Hillingdon Muslims pray for King and Country on Coronation Day

PREPARATIONS are in hand at mosques across Britain, including in Hillingdon, to mark the Coronation. A celebratory campaign is being led by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, one of the oldest established in the UK. The community is also sponsoring posters on London buses to drive home a message of goodwill for the Coronation.

The Baitul Amn Mosque in Royal Lane, Hillingdon, will be open for prayers for the King. There will also be shared meals, activities for children and donations to food banks as part of The Big Help Out campaign on Monday (8). Naeem ud Din, president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Hayes, said: “We are sharing the joy of the nation on this historic day.

“We are inviting our friends and neighbours to join with us on Monday from 2-4pm. Anyone wishing to join us for a complimentary barbecue lunch can reserve a place by emailing president.hayes@ahmadiyyauk.org.”
