Muslim Youth Group Provides Hundreds of Free School Meals to Children in Milton Keynes Over Half-term

A Milton Keynes branch of a national Muslim youth group has provided hundreds of free meals to school children over the October half-term.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (AMYA) said it has distributed more than 200 hot meals and 150 bags with non-perishable food items to school children during the recent half-term, which was between Monday, October 26 and Friday, October 30.

AMYA was inspired by Manchester United footballer Marcus Rashford’s campaign to end child food poverty, which saw a petition gain hundreds of thousands of signatures and national up roar when MPs voted against providing children with free school meals over the winter half-terms.

Local youth leader at AMYA, Saeed Nazir, said: “This has been a tough year for people of all ages and backgrounds. We have been on a mission to ensure that people are provided proper food and PPE, through the help of our door to door delivery service. AMYA is always happy to help.

An AMYA spokesperson said: “If there are children in your family or you know anyone that needs a packed lunch in MK, then please contact AMYA MK at”

The spokesperson said AMYA has also helped with providing food and medicine to thousands of MK households during the covid crisis, as well as organising and distributing personal protective equipment for people, and donating food to the local Food Bank.