Muslims use buses to promote peace



A GROUP of British Muslims released pictures yesterday of a new bus campaign that would drive forward the message of peace in the wake of last month’s Paris terrorist attacks.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is to cover 100 London buses with the French flag’s colours and posters proclaiming unity against extremism.

Its British-based leader Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said the Ahmadiyya community has repeatedly condemned extremism and that the Paris attacks can never be justified.

He said: “Under no circumstances can murder ever be justified and those who seek to justify their hateful acts in the name of Islam only defame it in the worse possible way.”

The group will also publish full-page newspaper adverts and distribute 500,000 leaflets nationwide with their “Love for all, hatred for none” ethos to emphasise the need for peace.

Rafiq Hayat, the community’s head in Britain, said: “We stand united with all who oppose extremists.”